
Tuesday 28 November 2017

Making Our Own ShakeSpeare Insults 2017

Shakespeare insults


1. Lumpish, Clay-brained, Nut hook

2. Dankish, Fool-Born, foot-licker

3. Goatish, half-faced, barnacle

4. Tottering, Boiled brained, pizza

5. Vained, Onion-eyed, Bugbear

Sentence Structure:
Adjective, Adjective, Noun
Image result for shakespeare insults

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Drama Culture

The Thinker (French: Le Penseur) is a bronze sculpture by Auguste Rodin, usually placed on a stone pedestal. The work shows a nude male figure of over life-size sitting on a rock with his chin resting on one hand as though deep in thought and is often used as an image to represent philosophy.
;The Thinker was originally conceived as part of Rodin's design for a set of bronze doors for a museum in Paris. This figure represented Dante Alighieri, an early Italian Renaissance poet. Rodin depicted Dante reflecting on The Divine Comedy, his epic poem about heaven, hell, and the fate of all humankind.

The Gates of Hell

Gates of Hell Rodin Photo

The Thinker

Image result for mr think stone carving

Circle Of Life

Today we have started to learn the song Circle of Life.
The song Circle of Life is about animals big and small gather round to cheerish the newborn royal lion cub. The song of course is about the newborn cub seeing his surroundings.

We learned some helpful voice breathing exercises which actually do help.

  • Stomach in and out
  • Not shoulders
Another tip to reach high notes is to lower your jaw, and if nessersary you can bend your knees.
My goal is to try get the role of Shenzi- Hyena (Boss Girl) :3

Tuesday 14 November 2017

UK Culture

The urge to tell posterity “I was here” runs through art from Jackson Pollock, who allegedly hid a giant signature in one of his most famous abstract paintings, right back to Jan van Eyck, the grandfather of oil painting. His masterpiece,The Arnolfini Portrait, contains an elaborate Latin signature on the wall behind the couple, "Jan van Eyck was here 1434", while in the mirror above, two tiny figures, discernible only with a magnifying glass, stand in the position of the artist looking at the scene, one of them – generally presumed to be van Eyck himself – raising his hand in greeting to viewers down the ages (see image below).

Hans Holbein the Younger, The Ambassadors (National Gallery, London)
These well-dressed gentlemen may appear in the pink of youthful health and confidence, but look from the lower left or right and the diagonal blur in the foreground reveals itself as a skull rendered in anamorphic perspective. The idea of the memento mori – the reminder of death – was common, though why it should have been so prominently attached to these young men, French ambassadors to London, remains a mystery. The painting may have been designed to a hang on a stairwell, so that the passing householder encountered the hollow-eyed skull as a salutary reminder of the vanity of earthly things.

Monday 13 November 2017

Musical Theatre 2017

First day of Lion King

Dance Warm ups

Magic Mover
Voice warmups
Dance- Thriller chain step

I found the chain step quite hard. I enjoyes the magic mover

Image result for lion king hyena names

Friday 10 November 2017

Art work Painting

1. Why did you choose your character?
Its a simble of war and peace. I made this character is a rejected warrior who broke to many rules.

2. What is he/she doing?
She is walking along the beach, walking to the Battlefield.

3. Why did you choose the colour?
The axe is is to repersent her personallity and soul (Which is dark grey/black). The hair is purple because It made her look more like a warrior.

~By Ella 10/11/2017

Thursday 2 November 2017

Space Monkey 100 word challenge 2/11/2017

It's not a planet, Its our home

The Space ship door blasted into the air as the chimp walked across the bluegrass. The Buildings were marble with shiny glass panes. The chimp looked up to a surprise that the sky was grey. The Sun looked as if It was being drained. All of a sudden it was pitch black. The chimp walked across from where he thought the buildings were. He came across a wall. The wall looked like solid stone. It had vines leading into the misty sky. The stone was cold and frozen as if the temperature dropped rapidly. The chimp looked back to find himself surrounded by humans with electronic guns.