
Monday 30 July 2018



A hazard is described as a danger or risk.
  • Hazard signs are in a shape of a yellow triangle with a black silhouette in the middle.
  • You can find these signs at pools, beaches, certain places at work, construction sites, etc.
  • These signs tell us what should we be careful about.
Image result for hazard sign
Image result for hazard signs


Definition of Mandatory: required by law or mandate; compulsory.
A mandatory sign is described as a blue circle sign. the silhouette in the middle of the sign is white.
When you see a mandatory sign you should most likely notice it for your safety. The sign warns you that you should have or do a certain thing to make sure you are safe.
You can find this sign on the bus, streets, airport, workshop, construction site, etc.
Image result for mandatory sign this one means you need to fasten your seat belt. You can find this on a plane, or any type of vehicle.


Definition of Prohibited: Something that has been forbidden; banned.
A prohibited sign is a circle. In the sign, there is a red circle with a cross through it. the background is white with a black silhouette in the middle. You can find this sign at playgrounds, museums, pools, workshops, buses, airports, etc. 

Image result for prohibited signWhen you see this sign it means something is forbidden, for example, a playground, at the playground you will most likely find this sign nearby. This means that no dogs are allowed on the playground.

Wednesday 25 July 2018

About Me

My name is Ella. I am 13 years old, my birthday is 5/3/2005.
I have 3 sisters two of them go to Hornby High and one of them is still in primary.
I have three cats. I love animals.
I like photography and nature.
My favourite colour is purple.

Link to Google slideshow

just a video of an actor.
I don't have a favourite.

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Fears Part Eight FINALE

1. He has never slept away from home before. He doesn't like being away from his family.

2. Eddie has no fear of being caught by the teachers. He actually says what he thinks about August to his face. Julian, on the other hand, talks about August behind his back. Julian usually never talks to August like that to his face.

3. Everyone has gotten used to August's face. At the start they all wanted to stay away from August, now they all are acting normal towards him. They stand up for August because they know that it's not right to bully someone. Everyone in his school is either friends or good acquaintances with August.

4. August definitely deserved the Beecher prep award. He went through so much at the beginning but stayed strong to the end. Although they had bullied him he didn't pay much attention to it. From having no friends to being popular at school. He was always treating others kindly, unknown to who they may be.

5. In the beginning, August was this shy kid who would bearly socialize with other students. He felt like a polar bear in the jungle. The kids at school with stare at his face all the time. They would either pick on him or try to avoid social interaction at all times. For the last few chapters of the book, he ended up being really popular. Auggie had a load of friends. Everyone accepted August for who he is.

6. My favourite character if probably Mr. Tushman. He's always so nice to the students and teachers at his school. He's always there for August.

7. Friendship:

  • Although he was being picked on in school he still made friends. It started with Jack Will, to Summer, to basically his whole year group in school.
  • Jack was once a friend until August realized that he had been talking about him behind his back. Jack was August's first friend in school and at the time his only friend before Summer came along. August felt betrayed.
Overcoming Challenges:
  • At the start, he was socially awkward.
  • He was homeschooled.
  • No friends at the school.
  • Had to put up with everyone talking behind his back.
  • Daisy's death
  • Going to camp
  • Having his first sleepover.
  • Had to go through everyone in school picking on August.
Family Relationships:
  • August has a strong bond with his family.
  • They all support each other.
  • They go through distrust

8. August is really a smart kid. He would probably be popular in school. Although there would be those people that would judge Auggie, his friends would be there to stick up for him.

Image result for August pullman reward

Monday 23 July 2018

Wonder Part Six

1. He hates school events that include parent because no matter where they are facing they just stare at him. It's like he's the North and all the needles are pointing at him. He doesn't like people staring at him constantly.

2. Everyone has gotten over Julian's bullying and rumours. They have has enough of the war and are used to August's face.

3. He doesn't want hearing aids because he looks like a Lobot. He doesn't like how they are very noticeable. He also doesn't want to be made fun of.

4. She didn't want to be known as the girl with a demented brother, or the play was about something August wouldn't like. I think Via's mum understood why Via didn't want her parents going because they would bring August.

5. It makes you feel happy and proud of yourself.

6. It had a huge impact. Everyone felt sad, everyone missed Daisy and her habits.


7. Because she saw that Via's family was there. Since Miranda had no family or friends there she thought that Via should perform since there is a family supporting her.

8. Miranda has gone through a lot since ninth grade. It all started with a few lies, in the end, she was trying to fit in.
Related image

Monday 2 July 2018

Can do's for Wonder Part 2


a designer of haute couture.
a devoted follower of fashion.

positioned in or relating to the sky, or outer space as observed in astronomy.

surprise (someone) greatly; astonish.

marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt.

in a way that shows great attention to detail; very thoroughly.

light up.

the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.

This is how I imagine August would like by how Via described him.

Can Do's Wonder Part 3

Halloween History

Image result for sacred bonfires history for halloweenThey celebrated their new year on November 1. This day marked the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter, a time of year that was often associated with human death. Celts believed that on the night before the new year, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred. On the night of October 31, they celebrated Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth.

Image result for Pomona goddessTo commemorate the event, Druids built a huge sacred bonfire, where the people gathered to burn crops and animals as sacrifices to the Celtic deities.

The first was Feralia, a day in late October when the Romans traditionally commemorated the passing of the dead. The second was a day to honor Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruit and trees. The symbol of Pomona is the apple, and to the incorporation of this celebration into Samhain probably explains the tradition of "bobbing" for apples that are practiced today on Halloween.

Image result for halloween costumesBorrowing from Irish and English traditions, Americans began to dress up in costumes and go house to house asking for food or money, a practice that eventually became today's "trick-or-treat" tradition. Young women believed that on Halloween they could divine the name or appearance of their future husband by doing tricks with yarn, apple parings or mirrors.

Over time, Halloween evolved into a day of activities like trick-or-treating, carving jack-o-lanterns, festive gatherings, donning costumes and eating sweet treats.


Change smoothly from one image to another by small gradual steps using computer animation techniques.


An object made by a human being, typically one of cultural or historical interest.

Concerning or containing members of two racial groups.


Feeling, showing or expressing sympathy.


Light up.


Not genuine; fraudulent.


According to the facts or exact meaning of something; strictly.