
Tuesday 29 October 2019

Spaghetti Bolognese

In our groups, we were instructed to make Spaghetti Bolognese. The Spaghetti was simple. We only needed to boil water in water and put our spirals pasta in. Our team during the exercise worked quite well. Jimmy's job was getting the sauce. Jakita gathered the onion and garlic and chopped them. Nidhi gathered the pasta. And I got the pot and boiled the water on the stove, as well as doing the dishes. While it was cooking we prepared our sauce. We cut some garlic and onion and added it to the pan. Once the onion and garlic were slightly brown we added the pre-made sauce and let it saute. Once the pasta was finished we poured in the water and pasta into the drainer. Once the sauce was ready, we put out the bowls and evenly put the pasta in the four bowls. We then put in the sauce and sprinkled the meal over with grated cheese.

Image result for Spaghetti Bolognese

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Hidden - Creative story


Chapter l
In construction
I snuggle closer to the mouldy blood-stained corner. I curl up in a ball to keep myself warm. The
ragged clothing that I was given was now covered in dirt and blood. My raw wounds still throbbing from
the mornings beating. My cell was so small, it was about the size of a broom cupboard, the only
furniture in the room was a worn yoga mat that I used to sleep on.
Over the sound of my chattering teeth, I could hear the footsteps of someone coming towards the door.
The silver collar on my neck felt as if it was getting tighter as if a snake was strangling me. The footstep
came closer, then they stopped. Everything was quiet, my shivering and chattering teeth stopped.
My whole body was frozen, frightened like a child in the dark. Not again. The thoughts going through my
mind made me shiver. I can't do this again, I don’t think I could survive this time.

These past months have been hectic. I still blame myself for what happened. But for now, let’s go back
and start from the beginning.
BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! “Oh for goodness sake!,” I turned over and threw the alarm clock across the
“lève ton cul” Get your ass up, the sound of my sister’s voice echoed within my room.
“garde tes chevaux” hold your horses, I yell back.
I moaned with exhaustion and hoisted myself out of bed. I pulled off my poke dotted duvet and wrapped
it around my body. Thud! “Merde!” I panicked and looked down the side of my bed. “Sorry croissant,”
I apologised as I looked down as the small white cat. She looked up at me in annoyance. I picked her up
and placed her on my bed. I trudged towards my dresser to grab my uniform. I glanced at my reflection
in the mirror hanging above my dresser. My brown hair sat on end like a porcupine. I searched the to of
my spruce dresser, moving little nick nacks and letters. Right at the back, I found my hairbrush. I tugged
the hairbrush through my hair trying to get through the birds’ nest. After several minutes later I placed
the hairbrush back in the rubble of paper. I pulled open one of my many draws, the draw was full of
black, green and blue clothing. But what stood out was my bright white and navy blue uniform. I put it on,
but I couldn’t help but notice that the socks were itchy. Great, an uncomfortable uniform just what I need
right now. The collar on my white button-up shirt was stiff and itchy, my navy blue skirt made me
“It’s not that bad” my sister Lea stood there leaned against my doorway. 
I turned around and looked in the mirror. “It’s not that bad” I mocked. I swing my bag over my shoulders.
My bag was black and had white stars covered over the fabric. My bag was full and weighed over 3kgs.
The multiple books in my bag made it heavy. I trudge through the house and grabbed an apple in the
kitchen. My sister followed. She stood in the doorway of the front door and lifted her hand. Her brown
eyes began to glow a light blue, her once messy brown hair began unknot and position itself into a
ponytail. She rested her hand by her side and gave me a smirk.
 “Show off,” I said as I pushed past her. 
She snapped her fingers and her bag float through the lounge into her hands. “Okay I’m ready now,” Lea
said. She glanced at the door, and again her eyes glew blue, the door made a clicking sound. Lea smiled
and walked off. She stopped and looked back “Are you coming Elyse”
“I’m coming,” I said as I galloped towards her.

Our house was on private property. Basically the middle of the forest. There were no roads, no hiking
paths, just a thick forest. Which was nice because we didn’t need to worry about the government finding
of our powers.

Monday 21 October 2019

The beliefs of Maori

How do stories and myths play in society?
They help us understand the culture and religion of others.

What similarities are there between the Europeans and the Maori's stories?
They both believed in a higher power, god/gods and art.

Why would the difference between Maori beliefs and English beliefs cause conflict?
The two different cultures have different values and morales and different ways of worship. They both believed in different gods and praised the gods very differently from each other.

This is the Maori god that I have chosen to do a poster on.