
Wednesday 28 November 2018

King of Excuses

Why I'm late to class

You see I got distracted by a house on fire
and nearly got hit by the cars loose tire.
Aliens abducted me and thought I was food
but clearly, I wasn't in the mood.
I was possessed and robbed a bank down the road
I ran as fast as I could trying to avoid arrest. 
The cops kept chasing me 
but eventually, I lost them in the shops.
You see teacher you should be glad
well at least a tad
You should stop frowning or you'll get wrinkles 
and then you'll get even madder, isn't that right Miss Sprinkles.

Image result for late to class

Monday 26 November 2018

Outdoor Ed Day Tramp 1 planning

Harry Ell
  • Who is he?
Harry Ell was a Christchurch City councillor and a New Zealand Member of Parliment.
  • What is he known for?
He is famous for his conservation work around Christchurch’s Port Hills, his advocacy
for the Summit Road, and his construction of the Sign of the Takahe and other roadhouses
along the Summit Road. The extensive use made of the Port Hills by Christchurch people
today (walking, jogging, mountain-biking) would not be possible without Harry Ell.
He built four rest houses
Signs- Takahe, Kiwi, Bellbird, and Packhorse Hut.

Leave no trace
  • What is it?
Minimising the social and environmental impacts to the outdoors.
  • How do you do it?
Not leaving rubbish on the ground, not damaging property.

The Seven Leave No Trace Principles
1. Plan ahead and prepare.
2. Travel and camp on durable surfaces.
3. Dispose of waste properly.
4. Leave what you find.
5. Minimize campfire impacts (be careful with fire).
6. Respect wildlife.
7. Be considerate of other visitors.

Weather Report
Light wind 12/15 sunny/cloudy

  • Onion
You will need to wear multiple layers such as a top, with a hoodie or jacket on top.

  • Best materials
Merino Wool

  • Personal Needs
Drink bottle
packed lunch
Personal Medication

Group Needs
First Aid


Friday 23 November 2018

Choice Board #2

Image result for who is johnny depp
Johnny Depp

In my presentation, I am writing about his career, childhood, and his achievements. My aim is to get everyone to be interested in my information that I have found. 

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Absurd Warnings

Absurd Warnings

Chocolate: Warning! Very addictive could cause weight gain or/and diabetes.

Phones: Caution! Tend to take up a load of my time. Not a good present if you want your children to socialize with you.

Fire extinguisher: Warning! May look fun to use but can be quite heavy. Can leave a bruised foot if dropped.

Paper: Use paper at your own risk. Can cause painful paper cuts. 

Cats: Caution! Don't underestimate their cuteness for they can be vicious beasts when provoked. Beware these adorable animals can cause scratches on your furniture as well as on yourself. Be prepared to find a dead mouse, bird, fish, or any other small animal your cat can get its paws on.

Books: Beware extremely boring for some, if you like reading books then you will find yourself addicted quickly. 

Image result for keep out of reach of childrenAlcohol: Caution!!!! Can be addicting to some. If had too much can cause you to throw up, have terrible hangovers, and to do stupid things. Keep out of reach of children!

Doritos: Not recommended if eating in a quiet place unless you want everyone looking at you. The wrapping can be very noisy as well as the chips.

Tree: Trees do not pull the leaves off the tree. Trees give you oxygen to keep us alive, we should be thankful that. Beware they have feelings too!!

Vivid: Beware this is not a whiteboard pen! This can not be easily erased. Is not edible and will not be very tasty.


What is orienteering?
Image result for orienteeringOrienteering is navigating using a map and a compass.

How do you do it?
Using navigational skills to find different points.

What do you need?

What do you need to bring?
Special equipment is not necessary; just wear clothes and shoes suitable for walking or running. If the weather is cold or wet make sure you have enough clothing.

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Crazy Lyrical Dialogue

"Count my cards, watch them fall," Jack said as he lowered his cards. His voice shook as he accepted his defeat, he stood up and left the casino leaving his earnings behind at the blackjack table. A black Toyota pulled up in front of the casino. The Toyota blended into the night sky. "Get in, we are going to the zoo!" the familiar voice shouted. "Who are you" Jack questioned. "Its ya pal Ross," he said as he leaned out the open window of his Toyota. Jack ran up and opened the door to the front seat and slammed the door shut. "Why are we going to the zoo," Jack said. "Because I bet that you lost all your earnings while in the casino, I imagine you would want some cheering up, plus the zookeeper is very fond of rum so he should be passed out by the time we get there anyway," Ross said. Ross and Jack exited the car and ran past the past out zookeeper to the back of the zoo. Ross sat on the fence throwing chunks of leftover hotdog into the lion enclosure. One of the lions devours it while the other lions stood there eyeing the two men. "Welp another one bites the dust," Jack said as he sat there looking over the zoo. "Thanks for this" Jack whispered.

Song name: You should see me in a crown, by Billie Eilish
Lyric: Count my cards, watch them fall

Song name: At the zoo, by Simon & Garfunkel
Lyric: the zookeeper is very fond of rum

Song name: Another one bites the dust, by Queen
Lyric: another one bites the dust

Monday 19 November 2018

My thoughts about making a balance toy

For the past term and a half, we have been working on a
balancing toy. Sadly for a few including me did not finish. I found I spent too much time cleaning up my work when I would of spray painted it anyway. 
What I enjoyed most about creating the toy was when I drilled the holes into the base. 
What I learned from the experience was how to use them automatic saw. I although it looks terrifying I found it was easy to use.
The part I felt was most challenging for me was using the time I had wisely. I got better at using the time I had as it got nearer to the date it was due.


Wednesday 14 November 2018

Choice Board

Favourite Actor

For the choice board, I have chosen to write about my favourite actor. For this, I need to make a presentation about my chosen actor. The person I want to write about is Johnny Depp.

Thursday 8 November 2018

My Six Sentence Story


Once upon a time, there was a small boy named Crimson. Crimson lived in a cottage with his family in the middle of a thick forest. Crimson was not normal he was a shapeshifter, he could shapeshift into anything he thought of like change his features, as well as being able to transform into a dragon, wolf, and any other animal he desired. One day Crimson got captured by a crazy scientist who wanted to steal Crimsons power. Crimson felt scared and worried about what was going to happen to him. The next day when the scientist came in for his daily testing Crimson transformed himself into a mouse and scurried across the floor and into the sewers, he managed to escape in one piece and got home safely.

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Wednesday 7 November 2018

Weather with you

Image result for rain

Her black hair lay on her shoulders as she crouched in front of her bedroom window, she stared blankly out the window watching rain roll down her window, flashes of light struck the ground followed by a grumble. Her face was lifeless, her blue eyes were no longer glowing with happiness but were dark with sorrow and regret. Beneath her eyes were red and puffy, her tears slowly rolling down her freckled cheeks. Her blossom shaped lips trembled as she cried. She wore oversized black clothing with a blue bow clipped to her hair. 

Friday 2 November 2018

Character Resume

I am learning to understand how characters are devolped in a film.
The work I have down below Is the basic info about some of the lead characters.

Thursday 1 November 2018

Freytag Pyramid Dragon Heart

I am learning about analysing the plot of a film.
I learnt how to do a Freytag Pyramid by doing this task.
The work I have here shows the progress of the plot within the movie.

This is what I used to make my Freytag Pyramid

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Dragonheart Setting

Image result for england 10th century


When and where was the movie set?
The movie Dragonheart was set in England in the 10th century.

What was life like in the 10th Century?
Image result for peasants 10th century englandEveryday life in Anglo Saxon England was hard and rough even for the rich. Society was divided into three classes. At the top were the thanes, the Saxon upper class. They enjoyed hunting and feasting and they were expected to give their followers gifts like weapons. Below them were the churls. Some churls were reasonably well off. Others were very poor. Below them were a class of slaves called thralls. Their lives were very hard. Some churls owned their own land but many ‘rented’ land from a thane. They ‘paid rent’ by working in the thane’s land for part of the weed and by giving him part of their crops.

Kinship (family ties) were very important in Anglo Saxon society. If you were killed your relatives would avenge you. If one of your relatives was killed you were expected to avenge them. However, the law did provide an alternative. If you killed or injured somebody you could pay them or their family compensation. The money paid was called wergild and it varied according to a person rank. The wergild for killing a thane was much more than that for killing a churl. Thralls or slaves had no wergild. If the wergild was not paid the relatives were entitles to seek revenge. At first, Anglo Saxon society was relatively free. There were some slaves but the basis of society was a free peasant. In time Anglo Saxon churls began to lode their freedom. They became increasingly dependent on their lords and under their control.

Related imageThe Anglo Saxons lived in wooden huts with thatched roofs. Usually, there was only one room shared by everybody. (Poor people shared huts with animals divided from them by a screen. During the winter animals' body heat helped keep the hut warm). Thanes and their followers slept on beds but the poorest people slept on the floor.
Image result for anglo saxon houses
There were no panes of glass in windows, even in a Thane's hall and there were no chimneys. Floors were of earth or sometimes there were dug out and had wooden floorboards placed over them. There were no carpets. Rich people used candles but they were too expensive for the poor. Instead, poor Anglo Saxons used rushlights (rushes dipped in animal fat). Anglo Saxon toilets were just pits dug in the ground surrounded by walls of wattle (strips of wood is woven together). The seat was a piece of wood with a hole in it.
How did we see that in the film?
  • In the movie, there were villages being taxed for basically anything.
  • There were slaves that had to work for the Rich
  • The houses they had in the villages had the same design as in real life in the 10th century.

Where was the movie filmed? 
The movie Dragonheart was filmed around Slovakia in central Europe, particularly to the east of the country in the beautiful landscapes of the Slovak Paradise National Forest.

How does that link to the historical Setting?
In central Europe, they had castles as well as ruins and open fields which would be great for the movie
since it is set in the tenth century.

In this task, I am learning about the importance of setting to a film.
The work I have above shows that I understand about the setting of the film Dragonheart.