
Wednesday 21 November 2018

Absurd Warnings

Absurd Warnings

Chocolate: Warning! Very addictive could cause weight gain or/and diabetes.

Phones: Caution! Tend to take up a load of my time. Not a good present if you want your children to socialize with you.

Fire extinguisher: Warning! May look fun to use but can be quite heavy. Can leave a bruised foot if dropped.

Paper: Use paper at your own risk. Can cause painful paper cuts. 

Cats: Caution! Don't underestimate their cuteness for they can be vicious beasts when provoked. Beware these adorable animals can cause scratches on your furniture as well as on yourself. Be prepared to find a dead mouse, bird, fish, or any other small animal your cat can get its paws on.

Books: Beware extremely boring for some, if you like reading books then you will find yourself addicted quickly. 

Image result for keep out of reach of childrenAlcohol: Caution!!!! Can be addicting to some. If had too much can cause you to throw up, have terrible hangovers, and to do stupid things. Keep out of reach of children!

Doritos: Not recommended if eating in a quiet place unless you want everyone looking at you. The wrapping can be very noisy as well as the chips.

Tree: Trees do not pull the leaves off the tree. Trees give you oxygen to keep us alive, we should be thankful that. Beware they have feelings too!!

Vivid: Beware this is not a whiteboard pen! This can not be easily erased. Is not edible and will not be very tasty.

1 comment:

  1. ELLA! I am laughing out loud in class as I read these! I especially like the one about not dropping the fire extinguisher on your foot! Very amusing. Which one did you enjoy writing the most?


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