
Tuesday 8 November 2016


Saving Our Bees

Why are bees worth saving

Bees are worth saving because they help with our food supplies. They pollinate our
crops which help them grow. Without bees it will be much harder for humans to grow plant's.

Why they are going extinct

On  bee farm’s the bees have been dying out. One of the reasons is because the hive’s are getting too cold. Another reason is because Varroa mite’s has been going around killing off colonies directly and spreading deadly disease's.

What we can do to help the bees

Try eliminating garden pesticides

Pesticides are bad for humans, especially for bees. Moving in the direction of organic gardening and natural lawn care is a healthy choice, in any case.
If you want some tips for getting rid of garden pesticides

Let your veggies bolt

If possible, allow a few leafy vegetables in your home garden to "Bolt," or go to seed, after harvest. Seeding plants are a bees best chance to stock up on food for the colder months.

Wednesday 26 October 2016



How can humans carry out a bees job?
We can pollinate with pollen and paint brush. If bees do go extinct they might make pollinating machines.

What will happen to humans without bees?
We will be in big trouble, the bees are responsible for 30 billion a years worth of crops. The supermarkets will have half amount less than we have now.

Why are bees important?
Bees feed our crops, animals and us. Bees have lots of different jobs. If by any chance they are extinct we will so on go up the food chain. 

By Ella

Bees Article

Bees Article

I have reached my Lo because I have explained how important bees are to the community.

Friday 14 October 2016

Narrative Writing 14/10/2016

Wolf Pack

It was a warm cloudy night, the white moon out brightening the star’s above. My white fur gleamed in the moonlight. My eye’s were as blue as the ocean. I was searching for food for the pack in the green meadow.  I could hear the trees whispering to the wind. I walked towards the slouched dead tree. I stopped. I thought I heard something. Crack! There it was again! I became more anxious as I stepped closer to the tree. I pricked up my ears and sniffed the ground. It smelt like honey roasted rabbit. I crawled slowly ready to pounce when two little objects pounced at me. It was my nephews, Star and Mooner they were both 11yrs old. I jumped back up onto my paws and kept on walking.

Star and Mooner followed me sniffing the air. “Niki I think I have picked up a scent of rabbit” Star said. We came to a Holt. “Psst Mooner Star surround that wishing well” I whispered. We slowly crawled towards the well. We had surrounded the victim successfully. I pounced at the rabbit as It tried to escape. I held the victim in my jaw and killed it with my razor sharp teeth.

We were walking back to the den when It started to rain. The rain soaked us with water as we walked through the forest. We finally reached the den. It was cold and wet. We sat down inside the cave. “Finally the rain stopped!..” Mooner Moaned. I nodded. We went outside and sat on the rock. I looked at the blue moon with curiosity. “ I swear that moon was white before” I thought to myself.  I stood up and howled telling the pack dinner was ready. A small cluster of wolves came sprinting to the den. They feasted on honey roasted rabbit. My tummy grumbled ferociously, I wandered towards the cave to join the meal. I ate my meal raw, It was disgusting but I ate it anyway--, slowly dragged myself to my bed to go to sleep--My friend Maia snored loudly.

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Ella's Narrative 20/9

One beaming sunny day, we went for a walk through the shady forest to have a picnic. I was with my mother, Daisy, Donald, Cole, Niki, Clover, and Erica. We were walking along the path gravel path. We heard swishing below. As we got closer to the cliff we saw brown murky water swishing beneath the broken bridge. We had no choice but to cross. The bridge was swinging side to side. Each step we took planks would fall into the water. My feet were shaking as I dodged the holes of the swinging bridge. I was the smallest out of my brothers and sisters. All my sibling's pushed past me as they roamed down the bridge. We were quater way there when we heard a loud snap! We stopped.  I turned around, I stared at the dangling rope. All of a sudden we started to fall, I was holding my breath as we fell closer to the water. I opened my eyes I thought I was dead. I looked around miserably. The dead tree caught the bridge. My siblings were running now determined to get to the other side. The polluted water sprayed as the water slammed against the rocks.  My black boots were getting wetter as we got closer to the middle of the bridge. My boots were now soaked my toes were as cold as ice. All of a sudden I heard a crash! The bridge stopped swinging side to side. I looked back. My siblings were sprinting. I looked around confused until I noticed the tree fell over. The bridge was sinking slowly. I glared down at the stream it could drown me in seconds. My family got to the other side safely. I was right behind them until I tripped. I tried furiously to get up, but my foot got wedged even more between the wood.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.