
Thursday 15 February 2018

The Merchant of Venice (Shakespeare)

Act One, Scene One:

1. Antonio is depressed without knowing what two possible reasons do his friends suggest.
His ships have yet to return. It is said in the book that they have gone missing which could mean they have sunken.
He's in love

2. Do you think Gratiano's contributions help Antonio's mood?
No. Gratiano just seems to annoy Antonio by asking a whole load of questions about the two reasons why he is depressed.

3. What are your first impressions of Bassanio?
Bassanio is a friendly good looking man. He is poor and bearly has any money. Bassanio is in love with Portia. To impress Portia he needs money.

4. Is he in Love?
I believe that Bassanio is in love. Which is why he needs the money to impress Portia.

5. Why does he need to borrow money again now?
He needs the money to impress Portia. Portia has a whole load of rich Suitors. This is why Bassanio needs the money so he can stand out.

Act One, Scene Two:

6. How do Portia's first words compare with Antonio's?

7. What is the reason for her mood?
She doesn't like any of her suitors, and she's being forced to marry one. She doesn't like any of them.

8.  Do you think Nerissa is a help to her?
Yes. She's been giving Portia advice on what to do.

9. Sum up, in a word or a short phrase, Portia's attitude to her suitors so far?
Snarky, Salty, Sassy

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