
Monday, 18 February 2019

Idea's and Messages from the Movie Tarzan

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A message from the movie Tarzan that I found was that we don't respect nature this is because we tend
to do stupid things and greed. We saw this in the scene where Clayton was firing his shotgun around.
Clayton could have shot the wildlife. When they would travel they would chop down the trees in their way
as they were invading their home. We should look after nature because it is the only reason why we are
alive. It gives up oxygen, food, and water. We are not the only things living on Earth and we should respect people and animals around us. In an ideal world, people do this every day,
people chopping down trees ruining lands and killing wildlife to get resources. We should respect nature.

A message from the movie Tarzan is that we treat others that look different or what we don't understand
horribly. This is because we don't understand how they live or how they react to different situations.
We saw this in the scene where Tarzan first met Clayton. Clayton would treat and call Tarzan like a savage.
In the ideal world, this still happens but not often. Most people accept who we are and what we look like
as well as our religion and beliefs.

A message from the movie Tarzan was Family is not determined by blood. We saw this in the scene
where Kala takes in Tarzan when he was just a baby. Kala doesn't care that he is not her own but she
treats him just like she would treat her real child. This makes me think about adoption. No matter if
they are your biological parent or not you still love them no matter what. This could also happen with
friends, if they are close to you sometimes consider them like family.

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