His wish was that he had a normal face that no one ever noticed at all.
He knows that ordinary kids don't make other ordinary kids run away screaming in playgrounds. And ordinary kids don't get stared at wherever they go. August is extraordinary because he is different from anyone else, and because he has been very brave going through a load of surgeries.
They stare at him constantly. Treat him differently compared to the other kids.
It's something you say about someone who goes somewhere calmly, not knowing that something unpleasant is going to happen to them.
Yes, I would definitely send Augie to school. He needs to learn more than his parents can teach. He needs to socialize and make new friends.
August is going to a school. He took a test to see if he was good enough.
A shiny smile is when you have a huge smile on your face, showing your teeth. I don't know if it means that it was a fake smile or a real smile.
Julian has a bad attitude as well as him doubting August abilities, eg when he asked if he knows what an eraser is.
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